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Bedford Borough Council Support Hub:

The hub are working hard to support residents who are in self-isolation with no family or friends to help. They have set up a Community Hub to deliver basic food parcels, collect and deliver essential prescriptions and offer a friendly link with the outside world.
If you need help: if you have no family or friends to help and you need food or prescriptions, you can ask the Community Hub for help. People can ring 718101 or email
If you can offer help: if you and others in your household are healthy and you want to help us support residents who have no other support network, then they would love to hear from you.

Support for Extremely Vulnerable

If someone is very vulnerable they can register with the government as an extremely vulnerable person.

Bedford and Luton Crisis Support:

Click HERE for information


Social Prescribing:

People can still self-refer to social prescribing for support

Kempston Advice Hub:

Supporting people with money, housing, benefits, health and wellbeing concerns.

People can still self-refer / refer: Click HERE for referral form and information


Noah Academy:

Noah Academy will be hosting an online course using the application 'Zoom'. This course will be focusing on combating feelings of stress and anxiety over isolation during this COVID-19 quarantine through work with mindfulness. Courses are being run using an online website or application and so learners MUST have access to a phone, smartphone, tablet or laptop AND an email account. 
The class will run Mondays & Wednesdays 13:00-16:00. 
Next start dates: Monday 27th April 

Bedfordshire Wellbeing Service:

BWS (Improving access to psychological therapies) is still taking referrals. As staff are working from home they are asking people to e-mail. 

Details at

Deaf Space Online:

Click HERE for information


Local Support Services: CVS Bedfordshire

A list of local support services can be found here

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